It's weird having him here instead of Tyler calling me and talking to me all day. It's also amusing to attempt to distract Tyler with kisses while he is fiddling with anything electronic or untangling (I believe in plug and play). I have to say Tyler's expression was absolutely precious when he saw the condition of my cords, electronics, and unalphabetized music/movie collections.
Though we have our little quabbles (which are mostly like: "Why did/do you do that?!?!?!" follow by "Because >insert dramatic explanation here<." and ending with "Oh!") we have had a lot of fun cleaning and cooking together. And as proof I'm going to offer photos! Last night we cooked lasagna. Originally I was going to bake lasagna for Tyler but he couldn't resist being the man and stepping in to season the beef as I was cooking it with onions, garlic seasoned mushrooms, and blackened bell peppers. Much more fun to cook together.

Next is a picture of Tyler's slice of lasagna on one of our new plates with our new silverware. Just plain ol' bread for dipping cause we decided to bake cookies instead of biscuits.

As you can see my husband enjoys using our new silverware: