Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Down Time

I really should be asleep.....but I'm not quite ready to crawl into an empty bed just yet. (I sleep better when Tyler isn't in another state going to school since he answers the phone, the door, and keeps the bad guys away).

One of our new (a.ka. yicky) policies at work lately is that we have to sign a copy of our time card. (You're not supposed to get paid if you don't but I don't think that has been enforced.....yet). Since Ty has been in class I've tried to schedule my work nights while he's off at school. The only tricky part is that I still have to work some weekend shifts (because of another policy).

The point is that when Ty is gone I get bored and sometimes I go to the hospital to work extra. Because of our time card signing policy I noticed I actually worked 99 hours last pay period (two weeks). Okay, really only 87 because I was sick one night that I was actually supposed to work. That might not seem alot but at the same time my work nights come in 12 hour shifts with a good night meaning you get a full 30 minute (unpaid) lunch break. (Yeah, right. As if people sleep in hospitals).

That said....I'm really excited about getting to have some time off next week to go to Florida with my husband and relax. I've only gotta work two more shifts until I'm going to be off for a week. YAY! Not quite sure what the plans are other than meeting my adorable new niece Dallas Julia......but what's better than having time to relax and spend with family?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Up All Night

One perk to being a nurse at a hospital is that though the shifts can be long and grueling (at times) is that I don't have to work many of them. Right now I only have to work three nights a week AND since my floor has self scheduling.....I get to pick which three nights! This comes in quite handy if I know that something is going on a month in advance. Overall, I love the flexibility and it is a blessing that has allowed me the ability to schedule myself to work when my sweetbean (the husband also known as Tyler) is off to school in Jacksonville.....which is three hours away from here. Pooey!

I'm still working on getting a Florida nursing license so I can work legally down there and until that happens I just get to tough it out by myself half a week until Tyler comes home. Not really too bad when I am working since my routine is pretty much wake up, get ready for work, eat, go to work, come home, get ready for bed, sleep, and repeat as needed.

But the bummer in all this is that usually I have one night off where I am not working. I guess if I was married for a bajillion years with a half dozen kids I'd like, no CRAVE, this quiet time. But for the present I have to find ways to keep myself entertained.

The first part of my night has been no problem since I wake up usually around 6 pm (remember, I'm night shift *wink*). At this time other normal day walkers I know, including my husband, are awake for me to chat with on the phone or the net. Then I usually tackle the chores but that usually takes no time. But after that it's sometimes a struggle to keep occupied. I've finished a couple books, worked on some puzzles, played video games to the point where I need someone here to do the hard bits...... So what can I do all night to keep myself entertained, out of trouble, and out of Wal Mart?

Right now I think I will work a bit on my mailing list, I love sending snail mail to peoples but I'd appreciate ideas for some projects or something crafty that would be a challenge for me to complete each week. Any thoughts?