Anywho.....Tyler and I had a nice weekend in Augusta exchanging Christmas presents with family. Yes, Christmas presents. At least it wasn't close to Easter this year. We had a nice dinner and exchange with my parents. And as usual it was nice to see my brother and his family. But the best part of exchanging presents,of course was exchanging them with my 8ish year old niece and 4ish year old nephew.
First of all, Zee handed out our presents proclaiming "Here, this is for pizza, and here, this is a movie." Talk about the element of surprise! Then of course we handed over their gifts. They didn't contain their enthusiasm. They shredded all that wrapping paper just about instantaneously. The part that made it absolutely worth it: they were more enthralled with the wrapping material than the actual gifts. Go figure!
We gave Ana a small Tinkerbell picture frame and a little Tinkerbell doll with holographic wings. Zee got a Buzz Lightyear Plush with Blanket. (Of course we had no clue this would be his THIRD). The following are images of what they actually played with, which was really quite amusing:

They played with that box and those ribbons all day except for the brief period we went to the park. It was nice to get some fresh air during daylight hours and stroll down the Riverwalk. I think the best scene was Tyler going down the slide. He was only going to sit at the top to pose for me when Ana gave him some encouragement *cough*SHOVED*cough*.

It was a good weekend even considering I almost caught the microwave on fire making a breadstick for Zee. I don't think I'll post that picture though. We'll just leave off with saying it really was a good weekend. Toodles! = )