So on this trip I found out that Wal-mart (at least the one here) has decided to stop stocking my favorite fragrance (Healing Garden Lavendar...which supposedly has a calming effect) and the deodorant I love to use (Ban). The Wal-Mart powers that be have decided I should be smelly. I dislike being smelly. Therefore....after the last of what I have has run out I shall be forced to find alternate means of obtaining what I want. I guess that means I may have to wake up one day and try something new. *sticks tongue out*
I also picked out and Easter scrub set being that I work on Sunday. The pants are most definitely black but the top is white with black ties.......and pretty pink and purple flowers. Very cheerful.
And even more shockingly......I got a hair thingie. It's a Vidal Sassoon twirly brush that supposedly curls your hair as you blow dry it. Yeah. We'll see how that works out.
I also bought two new house plants. As you may know, or are soon to find out, I don't do so well with houseplants. These plants are meant to be the replacements for a couple of my latest victims. I originally had five, but now with these ones I now have a total of 3.25 plants. You may do the math if you wish. For your viewing pleasure, this is a long dead spider plant I had during nursing school. I tried to use my mad nurz skillz but being that I mentioned the plant is long didn't work.

And lately it seems that people everywhere are popping up pregnant! How is this happening???? Via faceboook I have found out several people I know are preggo. A couple girls at work are of the same condition. I even touched one of their pregnant bellies (baby girl inside). And of course there is Angela. *smiles* I wonder if houseplants get pregnant. Have I ever mentioned that the only course I could not handle in college was botany? The only thing I wanna know about plants are will they give me a rash, can I eat them, and if I eat them will they give me a rash. But back to the pregnant people. I think there is an epidemic. All of them seem to be going to deliver this fall. Maybe we should contact the CDC in Atlanta. (In all seriousness, I hope everyone delivers happily, healthily, and painlessly. Babies are blessings).
And before I grab snugglebunny (who cannot get pregnant as he is a boy and made of stuffing) and head off to bed.......there are 27 days after this until the wedding. At what point do I start freaking out?!?!?! So exciting!
I don't think you ever need to freak out! You are only allowed to be nervous about being the center of attention for that day. Whatever else may happen during the wedding, the important thing is that at the end of it all you will be married to Tyler and nothing else matters.
I'm glad you're so excited about our baby. I'm sure you know this, but I'm pretty darn excited myself :) You're definitely right that there is an epidemic -- about 1/2 of the people I know right now are pregnant.
Every time I turn around someone else is pregnant. I hope it's not contagious! *grins* But I am excited about the baby and the wedding. Just keeps hitting me at random moments that I'm going to be married soonly and it seems like there is a lot to do just in general. I dunno. I still haven't been to sleep yet! And I am definitely nervous. I've always worked behind the scenes. Definitely happy about marrying Tyler though. ♥
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