We had a lovely visit from Tyler's parents who brought the rest of our things up from Florida. We are STILL organizing, cleaning, arranging, throwing things away....but we are having a blast living together. It is such a blessing to have your best friend live at home with you.
I have seen all the Terminator movies so far in preparation for a future date night with Tyler when we go see Terminator Salvation. We enjoy cooking togethe
Last week we had a lovely visit with Tyler's Nana and Mom in Perry. Yay! for yardsaling. Boo! for losing so badly in Pinochle. We had a blast though. I found a really nice iron hook rack for 50¢ and Tyler found an awesome steel printed poster of the Black Knight's Security System! Guaranteed that none shall pass!
We are really looking forward to some visiting and visitations in the next couple months. We are going to go meet my parents (a lot of prayer here, please) and hopefully get to North Carolina so Tyler can meet some more of my family. It will prolly be a while before we can get all the way to Pennsylvania. We hope to see more of Nana as she is so close. My brothers will hopefully be coming this summer to spend time with us and go to the beach since we are just an hour away and I believe some friends of Tyler's are going to pop up from Florida. And of course family is always welcome. *hint hint* Just more motivation to get things organized!
And far as work goes......it has been superfantasticular coming home from work and having someone to greet me! I was blessed to ease back into working after having been gone a month but the last several days we have been getting slammed. We are also going through quite a few changes! I do not like the additional paperwork we have to do but hopefully our accuity research project which will occur over the next five months will show we really do have a need for a smaller nurse-patient ratio. For a cardiac floor right now on nights we have seven patients for every nurse and fourteen patients for every nurse tech. We really could use another tech at least!
The BIGGEST news is that Mata, our clinical supervisor, over our ICU, PCU, and telemetry units is resigning so she can move back to Florida at the beginning of July so she can be with her family. *YIKES* As of yet we have no clue as to whom shall attempt to fill her shoes. Our clinical supervisor is the person who manages us and takes care of our needs for just about anything. Basically our spokesperson if we are being treated unfairly. She also manages our schedule. We have been blessed with self scheduling so far which is really nice because we basically get to pick which six shifts out of a two-week pay period we want to work. This allows us the ability to schedule our life instead of having to schedule our lives around how we work.
Tyler and I have been planning to follow Mata's example and move to Florida sometime next year before our lease runs out. We were hoping to transfer to another HMA (the company that owns us) hospital. This would keep a lot of things simple with trying to find another job, the transfer of benefits, and such. The only thing I would need to do obtained a Florida nursing license. HOWEVER.........it appears that there are no HMA hospitals near any of our friends or family. We are still praying about it but Tyler and I are really considering looking at other hospitals and not transferring to an HMA facility at all. This means we will need LOTS of prayer and research on where we may go. This also mean that exactly when we can move is a bit undecided. So much to consider!!
Anyways, more updates to come in the future! God bless and love ya!
Yes it was a fun week-end with yard saling, swimming and pinocle. I will be praying for Gods guidence with your and Tylers dicesion on the move and that visit with your parents. Please dont worry...God IS in control. E-mail me a copy of your schedule for the month so Terry can look at his schedule and we can plan the visit....sooner rather than later. Take care and God Bles you two. :))
Thanks! I e-mailed you my off time for the upcoming month. We are still praying and planning, but we are looking into what it would take for us to be able to move to Florida as early as December. Just considering our options. We're very blessed. :)
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