Thursday, November 18, 2010


I ought should set a goal of writing at least one blog a month.......or every other month....making shorter post more often..............or at least getting either the dishes or the laundry caught up.....


At least for the dishes and the laundry. *wink*

I'm thinking on more important goals. Such as making my walk with God more of a priority. Not saying He ain't important in my life, it's that my walk has been more unfocused the last few years. I try to make an effort to pray at least once a day, besides the typical pre-meal proffering....

.....but generally speaking, as a student, I've always lacked "study skills." Mostly I just crammed as much information as possible in (during the class) right before the exam. Not sayin' I'm smart or stupid, but I was occasionally (usually) shocked by the positive results on my report cards. It's a wonder I retained ANYTHING from my public education but I did do enough to "get by."

This lack of "study skills" has extended to my life as a Christian as well. I try to do what is morally right, as described in the law of Moses (possibly the world's first transcriptionist), and I live in a way representative of Christ, but I feel like I might be "just getting by." Which of course, as a Christian, is not acceptable.

So my goal is to make more of an effort to give my time and talent to God. First, I'm going to dust off one the studies I have and use it to help me spend more time in God's Word. A major step will be, after my husband, who I am so proud of for sticking with his studies, graduates in a couple weeks I will encourage him to go with me on Sundays to church. Our crazy schedules have not helped in us finding a local church to go to regularly. We usually attend church with our families when we visit, but our schedules have been super hectic this last semester we've hardly seen our families let alone gone to church with them. And lastly, far as giving of my talents, which mostly consists of spreading glitter and doodling, I intend to either auction off or sell some of my doodlings to raise money for some of the missionaries we know. I can say we're quite blessed to have a loving, supportive family, and to know many young people who are so inspired by the love of Christ to go spread the Word in other countries. (I'm very blessed to have a husband who has gone into the mission field before and also hopes to return).

So hopefully, this Saturday upcoming, I will have a posting of some of my doodlings for anyone who would wish to purchase them to support any upcoming missions. And I would like to just say a word of praise to Tyler, Besty, Benjamin, John, Ryan, Holly, Jared, and many others who have gone abroad to spread the good news. Thanks for doing what God called you to do!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY.....a post. Glad to see an update of your thoughts and upcoming plans. Good talking with you the other night and looking forward to seeing you Thanksgiving. Have fun doodling and good luck with the auction. :)