1. Left 4 Dead
2. Last Night on Earth
3. Settlers of Catan
4. Citadels
5. Monty Python Flux
The guys also played some other random video games as I baked yummy jelly cookies. I need to practice my first person shooter skills as the guys had another objective during Left 4 Dead gameplay which was keep-Kelly-from-being-eaten-by-zombie-hordes. We had a blast though!
It was a good way to relax after working Sunday and then cleaning like a crazed Mary Poppins without the magic Monday after having been sick the whole week before. Praise God for feeling better! And we are prolly going to have some fun time when we go to Florida next week to take care of some business stuff (which includes checking into getting a valid Florida nursing license as so far the only things they have not required besides a DNA sample is the kitchen sink, a leg, our firstborn, the cat, and the soul of an unsuspecting visitor).
Also what I think will be fun is the giveaway Angela is hosting. It is unlikely that anyone who reads this blog does not know who she is BUT just in case.....Angela is my recently acquired really sweet, fashionably wise sister-in-law who is expecting my soonly-to-be-acquired new niece Dallas! And if you did not know, I am REALLY excited about meeting Dallas this year and my sweetbean of a husband, Tyler, has had a challenge keeping me out of the baby sections (and keeping the cutsie baby girl stuff out of our cart).
So if you would like check her giveaway out here!

God bless and have some fun! = )
I am so glad your feeling better and am looking forward to both of you coming this week. If your up for the challenge dont forget your swimsuit....water aerobics is at 8:00AM, yes, I said 8. I leave the house around 7:40.
Love you guys :))
Thanks for posting about the giveaway! I'm glad you guys are feeling better!
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